Monday, January 13, 2014


YES! It's finally time to get this thing rolling and start raising some moolah!

Super duper pretty please check out my campaign page and contribute to my summer goal (and get some stuff for yoself too!)

Michele's Bike & Build Campaign

Sooooooo stoked for this process! Love you all!

much love from Gville,

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Howdy y'all

Hello all and welcome to my lovely blog!

This will be the hotspot for all updates about my biking trip across the country this summer with Bike & Build! Bike and Build a program that leads groups of young cyclists across the United States and arranges days to help Habitat for Humanity build affordable homes for families in need of a safe space.

I'll be biking from Charleston, SC to Santa Cruz, CA over the course of three months (May 22- August 10, 2014). We'll be stopping in 10 cities to help build homes with Habitat for Humanity. 

Right now I'm focusing on fundraising $4500 so I can get on this glorious trip! Check out my fundraising platform!

love, Michele